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Clean the ceiling of your car by following these steps

By, 2018-12-20


The interior ceiling of the car is one of the most difficult parts to clean in the car and many people neglect cleaning this part unlike other parts of the car. However, the cleanliness of the car in general expresses the owner care of the care. The cleanliness of the car's internal ceiling also gives the driver and passengers comfort and refreshes. Some people may go to a specialist to clean the interior of the car and pay a lot of money while you are able to do the cleaning yourself and in a short time and through several simple steps. So, What is the proper way to clean the interior of the car? and what tools are needed to make the cleaning done?.


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How to clean the internal car ceiling through simple steps:


Before you start cleaning you will need some simple tools that can be found in any home, including:


1- Clean cloth.

2- Special material for cleaning upholstery.

3- A bowl of water.

4- Cup of white vinegar


Further reading: How to avoid the most common car accidents in winter


Follow these Steps to clean the interior of the car:


1- Start with the cloth and remove the dirt placed on the car roof. Try to clean the ceiling of dust as much as possible to facilitate the cleaning process later.

2- Make sure to clean the ceiling of dust in the same direction as the fabric of the cloth.

3- Put the cleaning material in a sprayer and spray a little on a part of the ceiling .

4 - Bring a piece of cloth made of micro-fiber, and start cleaning the ceiling of the dirt to remove the dirt easily after the interaction of detergent with the cloth.

5. Prepare a mixture of water and white vinegar.

6. Use the previous mixture to remove the grease stains on the ceiling of the car.

7. Bring the cloth and put it in the mixture of water and vinegar, as this mixture dissolves grease on the ceiling of the car.

8. After the ceiling of the car has completely dried, check the ceiling well and notice the spots. If you find that the ceiling needs more cleaning, repeat the previous steps again.

9. Finally, bring the air freshener, and spray on the ceiling of the car interior. This will keep your car fresh for a long time.


By following the above steps you will get a bright and wonderful clean car ceiling easily. This will give you a sense of comfort for you and passengers. Keeping all parts of your car clean, gives the impression that you are a great person, interested in your car, clean it and take care of all its parts


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